Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Unacceptable Face of Football

There are just so many things wrong with this picture......general graffiti, spoiling the unspoilt Bahamas, ugly signage. But most of all the content. For those who don't know, this is the sign of Mark's favorite loves, his wife of course and....Dundee Football Club (DFC!). Now it is bad enough in itself that Mark would feel the irresistible urge to dob paint on the side of his property to profess his undying passion for his home team....but this ain't no Barcelona, Inter Milan or Manchester United. In fact, this isn't even currently a Scottish Premier team - at least not til next year!!

1 comment:

Miranda Elliott said...

do they have a web site? I think you should send it to the club and let them know they have a fan in the Bahamas!