Friday, February 18, 2011

It's Time...

This blog was started purely as a way to keep everyone at home in touch with us as we embarked on this grand adventure of moving to Water's Edge. During the past 3 years that the blog has been around several things have happened... Facebook has become ubiquitous and taken over as an easy way to keep family and friends up to date, Nassau is a small island so we have run out of new things to share, but most of all... this has become home. Home, although wonderful, gorgeous and lovely - doesn't seem like much of an adventure anymore. This is evidenced by the lack of posts in recent months!

Not to say we aren't still feeling adventurous!

This month we put this fabulous house on the market. We hope to sell it at a price we can live with. If we can, we are off for a year of road-schooling Emily through Europe, if we can't, we will need to have a re-think. Although we love Nassau (and especially Water's Edge) it is becoming clear that we would like for Emily to go to high school in the US so we expect to head back there.

I have found a website that will allow us to print out this website as a book. I think we will do that for Emily to keep, and then delete it.

Moving on... to the next adventure!!!


tammi said...

Well, I will miss you here and the beautiful photos of your life at Water's Edge. You do indeed have a BEAUTIFUL home and I have so enjoyed following this journey with you.

All the best in your new adventures, even as you are still planning and trying to sell your home. I hope it will go smoothly.

And I look forward to touring Europe vicariously through you!! (with the help of FB!)

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I was only thinking about all of you the other day and wondering how you all were I can fully understand about adventures and moving on. Since getting back from Chima with our daughter what an adventure it has been. Going through Europe now that is a huge adventure good luck with what you decide.