The skies are starting to be clearer - although they always are here! We had a great morning this morning acheiving utilitie turn-on Bahamas style by queueing up in various lines and paying lots of people. We should be all straight on Thursday (including a broadband connection) - but as we in the Bahamas, we aren't counting on it. We slept great last night listening the ocean outside our living room, apart from the slow leak from our air mattress so that Mark and I woke on the tile floor this morning. Emily loved her "Princess and the Pea" sleeping bag pile with her mattress on the top and slept like her usual log. We both took a bath in the ocean this morning sitting on our back steps with a bar of soap. Emmy thought it was great and asked if we could still do it even when the water is turned on.
We are now back at the Cricket Club having lunch and trying to find a rental car. More updates from the Cricket Club WiFi tomorrow.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Hello Motha, Hello Fatha, Greetings from camp...
Sunday, December 30, 2007
We're Here!
We have arrived at Water's Edge. We are thrilled with the house and Emily said she was so excited when she saw our patio that she couldn't even think. There are a few hiccups though. The electricity is not on and neither is the water. Oh dear! We are dealing with it and are facing our adventure as the Three Muskeeters (Mark says 5 don't forget Colonel and Ow). Right now we are at The Cricket Club. Emmy is eating Lasagna and Mark is having a Steak and Kidney Pie - we are overlooking the ocean... Heaven! Tomorrow we tackle the utilities Bahaman style. Tonight Emmy has decided we sleep under the stars! Here are a few pics from today.Emily with Colonel who is very relaxed - Ow... not so much.
Emmy on Grandad's fishing rock.
There are no days left to life at Water's Edge. More tomorrow.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Hi and Bye from Virginia
This will be our last post from the US of A. We are feeling excited and anxious. We have pages and pages of lists but are still wondering what we have forgotten. I guess we will find out when we get there.
We may be incommunicado for a while as we get ourselves established and set up. Luckily we discovered that one of our favourite haunts, The Cricket Club, has WiFi access, so as long as we can get wheels (be it rental car, scooter or bus) we should be back on line relatively quickly. Email, as always, is the best way to reach us. This is the Cabrelli's in VA... over and out.
There is 1 day to life at Water's Edge.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Going to the Mattresses
More obscure titles from Mark.
We have two boxes packed with sleeping bags, air mattresses and sheets - ready for our camping adventure. It is getting close and we are getting too excited to be stressed, which is a relief. I am busy trying to clear up last minute business issues and Mark is running around on errands like a madman. He got to play a final game of indoor footie last night - unfortunately they lost. Emmy comes home tomorrow and we will be in the final stretch. Drinks at Ann's house from 4-7pm and then home to pack, sleep and then fly. Tonight we celebrate with Grant and Miranda with dinner at L'Auberge Chez Francois (what a treat!)
It would be lovely for everyone to pause for a moment and send a nice thought to Deb. Her beloved Charlie (her 14 year-old cat, friend and companion) has just been diagnosed very suddenly with lung cancer. He is a wonderful cat with tons of cuddly personality, beautiful big eyes and a voice he isn't shy about using. Our thoughts are with her.
There are two days until life at Water's Edge.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
I've been to the Mountaintop. And I've looked over.
I don't know why Mark is on a Martin Luther King kick - but he is in charge of all titles so I won't question him.
We had a fabulous Christmas at the Dowler house. It was great to spend time with everyone and it was so good to spend time with the kids. Pictures are forthcoming but I can't find the digital camera cord so it may not be soon, as it could be in the container :-)
Emily loved all of her gifts, both from Santa and others and jumped on a plane yesterday morning to get more gifts from Gaga (who she says spoils her the most). It was her first time flying alone and she did wonderfully. The whole process was very simple and speedy. She was quite miffed that she wasn't allowed to board on her own and had to board ahead of time, "I can walk on myself!" she said. She thinks that they must have thought she was younger than 9 as they kept reminding her to do silly things that she already knew, like buckle her seatbelt.
Mark and I took a trip to the warehouse yesterday where all of our stuff has been unloaded. They are really taking care of things. Apparently the whole thing was very badly packed and they had to re-pack and wrap almost the entire shipment. They also prepared a full physical inventory (which is something the first company did not do) which we will need to clear customs both in the States and in the Bahamas. It looks like even if our shipment had gone with the first company we may have had problems with customs anyway(?). She did tell us that our shipment could be a little while longer (maximum 8 weeks... eek! Although we think it will be a lot less) so we are preparing to camp out in Water's Edge. Apparently the freight forwarder they were going to use decided last week that they were no longer going to ship to Nassau. What is wrong with this industry?!!?! Since they have our car we are thinking of purchasing some scooters (which we were going to buy anyway) as soon as we get there so that we have transportation until our stuff arrives.
I think Mark picked the above title because even though this whole experience has been extremely stressful we must remember how fortunate we are to be able to do this move at all. Things could be a lot worse in our lives and we should be thankful for everything that we do have. My biggest concern is Emily and she thinks this is the greatest adventure in the world. We would do well to relax and take her perspective.
My friend Tony in California sent out this wonderful New Year's advice which Mark thought belonged on the blog as it was good advice to share with you all:
"Being the Christmas Season, thought I would pass onsome Holiday cheer. I am sending this on to you because it definitely works and we could all use a little more calmness in our lives. The key to feeling good:"The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started and have never finished."So, I looked around my house to see all the things I started and hadn't finished, and before leaving the house this morning, I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Zinfandel, a bottle of Bailey's IrishCream, a bottle of Kalhua, a package of Oreos, the remainder of my old Prozac prescription, the rest of the cheesecake, some Doritos, and a box of chocolates. You have no idea how freaking good I feel right now. Please pass this on to those whom you think might be in need of inner peace."
There are 3 days until life at Water's Edge.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
or at least as close to home as we have right now. After two days of driving we are now in PA at my parent's house. We picked up Emmy on the way and had our visitation rights with Colonel. We visited very briefly with Michelle and Ryan last night and I got to hold my new nephew. Emmy and I will post some photos this afternoon.
There are 7 days to life at Water's Edge.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Free at last, free at last...
thank God almighty we are free at last.
The moving company has paid for the release of our container and it is due to arrive at the new moving company on Friday morning. Not sure what this means to our timeline, but the new company has told us 1-3 weeks so there is a chance we will have our stuff right when we get there. We are both a little calmer, especially now the orders have slowed down too. Nearly there.
There are 11 days to life at Water's Edge.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
A Cruel Twist of Fate
The Consolidator Moving Company we were using CARMACK MOVING (don't ever use these people, ever!) have decided that we were both scammed by the man who ran away with the money, even though they hired him as one of their sub-contractors. They want us to cover the costs to hire a new contractor and re-ship the goods. Needless to say we have refused, issued a charge-back on our credit card and are now negotiating the release of our stuff. It is a total nightmare. We know one thing for sure - we won't have any furniture or stuff when we arrive in Nassau on the 30th. Looks like we are camping in Paradise.
I told Emily last night that a man ran away with our money and we had to pay all over again and she said, "that's a bummer!" Well put. I told her we would be camping and she said, "cool!" At least one of us is excited. Michelle and I were talking last night and remembering that when we moved to the States we slept (all four of us) on a mattress on the floor with coats for our blankets for a month. I can't really say that Emily will be suffering - she won't be cold and she gets to take a dip in the pool whenever she feels hard done by!
There are 12 days to life at Water's Edge.
Don't Try This at Home...
New Apartment in Nashville for Deb & Jason... $100 and something thousand dollars
Four good steaks for grilling... $30
Champagne on sale at Sam's Club for celebration... $9
Watching Mark try to impress us with his Champagne opening techniques... priceless!
Note the very large knife being used - Mark swears you can just "slice off the top".
Note the exploded champagne bottle and Mark's bleeding hand... "great job!"
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Not So Great Update
I am posting a second daily post because we got new information. It seems as though the man who everyone has been looking for - and who was responsible for getting our container to Nassau has absconded - without paying anyone. No one can find him! We also found out that our goods can not go to Freeport, as they are currently scheduled, as Freeport is for commercial goods only. Hmmmm... To top it all off I just found out that a major shipment of inventory that we have been desparately waiting for was shipped to Reston. Not a good day overrall, but...
They are 18 days to life at Water's Edge.
No News is Definitely Not Good News
The moving company are completely non-responsive. The only thing we have managed to find out is that our shipment is definitely going to Freeport, again, wrong island. The man who has all the answers has had multiple phone calls and emails from both Mark and the consolidation company (who is supposed to be the only one we deal with) and hasn't answered any of them - in over a week! Either he is working it all out or we are going to have to go out and buy all new stuff!
Emmy is doing great in Reston. She told me that she is now an expert ice-skater. She can go really fast and doesn't fall over any more. I told her to get in her practice now as there isn't much ice-skating in the Bahamas. She informed me that she would like to water-ski!
There are 18 days to life at Water's Edge.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Not that it means much to us in terms of work but we might at least allow ourselves the afternoon off to go Christmas shopping. We relaxed last night in front of the fire with a glass of wine. Mark and Deb are above. And here is Sammi enjoying the fire:
There are 22 days to life at Water's Edge. Maybe without any furniture... but what can you do?
Friday, December 7, 2007
The Next Chapter in the Saga
OK so now apparently our container is on it's way to Freeport. There is a minor problem with this... it's the wrong ISLAND! Mark has had to cancel his trip to Nassau (he was supposed to leave Sunday) as we now have no idea when our stuff will arrive. I hope that it gets there before the 30th as I don't relish unloading two freaked out cats and one young child in to an empty house. Will keep you updated.
Emily has an appointment on Jan 4th to get her official school tests and interview. She is having a grand time in Reston - dinner at Clydes and ice-skating was on her agenda for this evening... OK for some.
We are plugging away at keeping the business going. I'm secretly glad I will have Mark's company over the next few weeks. I really miss Em and having them both gone is tough. I am very much looking forward to the Holidays in PA - especially to seeing my niece and nephews. There are 23 days until life at Water's Edge.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Our First Hurdle
OK - so a girl from a shipping company calls Mark yesterday to ask him how many boxes are in the container that is going to be shipped. This is the container that was supposed to have left on a boat on Sunday. Mark then asked her if this means the container hasn't left yet and she told him it wasn't due to leave port until December 14th (the day the movers told us the good would be at the house) and wouldn't arrive in the Bahamas until the 19th (the day Mark leaves the Bahamas) and wouldn't clear in the Bahamas for a few days?!?!?!?
We have an email in to the movers but it looks as though Mark will be changing his travel plans. The good news is he could stay with me for another week! There are 24 days to life at Water's Edge.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The Cavalry Arrives...
Mark rode in on Dad's White Explorer, which means that it is now only 7:11pm and we have completed our shipping for the day. An early night! I had better enjoy it while it lasts as he leaves on Sunday for Nassau to collect our stuff.
Spoke to Emily who gave me the low-down on the fights between Chun and Ow and the going away party she is planning. She was excited to get a letter from Nan becuase Nan asked for a photo in her uniform which got her all giggly.
I'm off for a glass of wine. There are 26 days to life at Water's Edge.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
I don't think we expected this month to be as tough as it is turning out to be! We are all separated, which is tough and we are all crazy busy, which is tough, and it is the Holiday season which is toughest.
Emily is doing well at Tom's house. They just got a tree and she is enjoying having both Chun and Ow together, if only temporarily. She just found out that her Drama Club will be doing Seussical in the Spring which I think brought it home to her that it was a reality that she was actually moving. She struggled a little with that and it felt terrible that I wasn't there.
Mark has been at the house getting it packed and shipped. The 40 foot container has come and gome with all of our stuff and our car in it. It should be on a ship by now. He spent the last two days in the house cleaning and prepping for the renter (who will arrive on December 10th) and soothing a very disturbed and stressed out cat. Colonel was so upset by the empty house that he was drooling.
I have been with Deb and Jason trying desperately to keep up with business this Holiday season. Deb has been a fantastic help and has picked it all up so quickly. The twins are a joy to have around as well, although they are struggling with colds now - poor things. I'm very lonely for Emily and Mark. Deb and Jason brought home a 12 foot Xmas tree yesterday and decorated their gorgeous home for Xmas. The tree, Xmas music and log on the fire made me a little weepy. I just keep trying to remember we are doing all of this for a good reason. There are 29 days to life at Water's Edge.