Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A glimmer of light in the sea of darkness

or... You learn something new everyday.

When we were looking at this house and the prior owners waxed lyrically about the new generator they had just installed, we looked at them, a little bored, with polite smiles. Of course when we moved in and had no elecricity that generator was broken (as most things were) and not much use to us - justifying our blank smiles of so many months ago. But was it really broken? Turns out it just needed a new tank of gas! After several calls to the gas men we finally got them out to fill our gas tanks (another huge and unexpected expense) and didn't think much more of it.

We had read prior to arriving that prolonged power outages were part of life in the Bahamas. We ourselves had already experienced a few - during which we worried anxiously that they weren't actually power outages but some kind of problem with the house. Last night we had a couple of prolonged outages but something quite wonderful happened. The lights went out (along with my computer), there was a scream from Emily's room upstairs as she was plunged in to total darkness, a loud click, the sound of an engine, and anything electric came back on again. All of this happened within the span of 30 seconds. Oh what a fabulous thing a generator is! Mark went outside to let the cats in and looked down the shore to a row of dark houses - all except for Water's Edge.

Our neighbours have already asked us if they can head over here during the hurricanes :-)

Meanwhile - Sue Z has been experimenting with Photoshop. Here's Emmy...

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