Saturday, July 5, 2008

A photo just doesn't cut it...

$450 later we have our Visas in our passports, which are nowhere to be found. They were fedexed on Thursday from Detroit and they were supposed to arrive yesterday. They didn't get here yesterday and Fedex is closed today. Knowing The Bahamas as you all now do - what do you think the chances are of them arriving any time soon?


Mama Smurf said...

Slim to none...LOL....

Mary Beth said...

How long until you leave? I'm voting for 2 hours before you need to be at the airport:)

tammi said...

The day AFTER you need them. That's when they'll arrive.

I hope Mary Beth is right though!!

Good luck!

Debra Owen said...

I hope you get them on time. We had a whole other experience!