Monday, August 17, 2009

Emmy's Home!!

We were thrilled to pick up Emily at the airport this morning! She is glad to be home and we are gladder she's home. After she unpacked in to her new clean room - Mark and Lisa spent 5 hours cleaning and organizing yesterday - she was in her bathing suit immediately and straight in to the pool. After a quick swim she was eager to try out Granddad's boat. The ocean was a bit rough so Lisa passed due to the strong possibility of sea sickness. Emmy and Mark had a grand time. Emily thought it was a ride!

Here she goes:


tammi said...

Oh, I LOVE that first picture ~ the yellowness adds just the right POP of colour! Beautiful. (as always!!) Glad your family's back together again!!

TSpats said...


Miranda Elliott said...

Fantastic! The colour of the water is amazing. Welcome home Emmy! When does school start?