Thursday, January 15, 2009

Nothing like a good day out

Following the “Fish” adventure, the day arrived that the whole Scottish visit was building up to. The crescendo of any Dundee experience; match day on a freezing December Saturday to watch Dundee play in the First Division….with a hangover to boot. It seemed the “Fish” was a bit much for Mark and so, nursing an aching head, our intrepid travelers made their way to Dens Park, stopping off at the pub on the way for some libation and invigoration. If the hair of the dog failed to do it then the meat pie certainly did – one bite into the creamy grease and stale pastry and Mark’s memory of the night before was all but gone. We arrived just before kick-off (they wouldn’t start the match until we’d arrived) to meet up with Mark’s other long suffering footie mates then sat back to watch the expected feast of fleet-footed football. Unfortunately it didn’t turn out quite that way but at least Dundee did win (for a change).

What could cap off such a magnificent afternoon than a tasty comestible of typical Dundee culinary fare. Yes, a fish supper (fried fish and chips in a bag) – enough to block your arteries just salivating at the thought. However there was an added twist in this fine dining establishment. Not only did they offer pizza on the menu but they also added “crispy pizza” for your delectation. “What’s crispy pizza?” Lisa enquired in her innocence. The reply, “same as pizza, only deep fried in batter” – yum!

Yes, there’s nothing like a good day out – and this certainly was nothing like it.

1 comment:

tammi said...

DEEP-FRIED PIZZA??!! Now that's something I'd like to try!!!