Friday, February 29, 2008

Down a Peg (or Two)

We will leave it to Emily to regale you all with tales (and photos) of her birthday in her blog tonight, but suffice it to say she had a good one.

Mark and Lisa went to Emily's Parent/Teacher conference yesterday and, as is the norm, left feeling very proud of Emily. Her teacher said that after two or three days it was as though she had always been there. She was immediately accepted socially, her behaviour was excellent and her academics are in the top of the class. She said she is very happy to have her. After Spring Break they are going to include her in an advanced "pull-out" program. She will join the 3 other kids in her class who spend about three class periods a week working on advanced, more challenging projects.

So...they are currently studying Economics and Emily came home last week with a note asking for Parents who have experience "starting and operating a successful business". She asked if Lisa would come in and talk about Emily Rose. Lisa was feeling quite proud of herself and was really looking forward to spending some time in Emily's classroom. That is until yesterday.

We discovered that the Grandfather of one of Emily's classmates will also be coming in to talk about starting and operating his succesful business - it's only Sol Kerzner the owner of the Atlantis and countless other real estate ventures that "blow away the customer". We told Emily what an amazing experience that would be for her and how lucky she was to get to hear him speak. Then Lisa jokingly said, "don't you feel sorry for me that I have to follow that with Emily Rose?" Emily's response? "A little bit."



Debra Owen said...

Ouch is right!!! :-) You'll do great Lisa! That's so exciting.

Rosie said...

Sounds as if Emily is doing great at school, you must be very proud. And I'm sure Emily would be equally as proud to see Lisa visit the school and give her talk.

Looking forward to seeing Emily's birthday pics!