Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Have Gran will travel...

New York, Washington, Hong Kong, Milan, London, Edinburgh, Marseille-Provence....no, they're not the latest Gucci outlets nor are they the locations of the G8 summits. There are the regular haunts for Mark's Mum - yes, the wee wifee from Bonnie Dundee. She’s 80+ (discretion being the best part of valour), in rigid good health and fortunate to have sons that live in different parts of the globe. So why not travel to see them once in a while. Well today is a first for Sundie (her real name is Domenica which is Sunday in Italian) as she wings her way across the Atlantic. This afternoon she’ll arrive in Nassau for the first time and she can cross another capital city off her list. It may not be as cosmopolitan as the other places but that is more than made up with sun, sea, sand and….son – her favorite one (at least her youngest one).

It is quite amazing that she is able to do all of this in the twilight of her life. But she does and she deserves it. After all, she had to bring up four sons while running the family café business. No mean feat when the business was Fish & Chips where the potatoes and fish had to be hand cleaned every day and the hours went from mid morning to the wee hours. So kick back Sundie.

And naturally as all good sons will tell you, she’s the best Mum in the world. Welcome to paradise Mum.


Mommy2Twinkies-Deb said...

We need photos! Sounds like she's going to have a great time on her visit. Have fun!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

You go for it Gran... show 'em how travelling is really done... you go girl!!!

tammi said...

Wow, she sounds like an amazing woman! Hope you have an awesome visit!!