Tuesday, September 2, 2008

School's Out!

We just received official notification that Emily's school has been canceled on Thursday and Friday. Lisa went to get her hair cut today (hey, you have to look good for the hurricane!) and got a little spooked when she saw that all of the stores are installing their metal hurricane shutters. I got assurances from the hairdresser that we will find our first hurricane extremely anti-climatic. For those of you asking about Emily you will be happy to know that she told Lisa, "I'm not nervous, just really excited." But she is upset that we had to cancel our dinner plans with her new best friend, "Dolce."

It is a beautiful day today. The wind is blowing and the ocean is a lot more active than usual, but it is as sunny and heavenly as ever. The patio looks a little sad since Mark has moved all of the furniture inside.


tammi said...

You just have the most beautiful home! I do hope it will weather this storm as it has all the others since 1920!

Mommy2Twinkies-Deb said...

It looks beautiful there as usual. Hanker down... looks like there's a few more coming!

Julie said...

I hope you all weather the storm well. I can't believe the view off your patio - hello paradise! Sounds like your neigbor's advice to have a cocktail is good! : )