Monday, January 7, 2008

And on the 7th Day

This house is filthy - and we mean really, really dirty. Now we have hot water and cleaning supplies and have begun the job of cleansing a house that has been closed and empty for 8 months we are realizing how much work we have before us. Lisa has been cleaning the kitchen for two days and is still not done. We are in the final steps of getting a car but it looks as though we are going to go with an old banger just to get us from A to B. We still smart over the high prices at the grocery store but it is all part of living in Paradise.

Emily got her school uniform and we dropped her off in her new classroom this morning. She looked quite scared but excited and Lisa had a few tears after we left her (none from Emily of course). Her uniform is almost complete - we have to sew on the school crest but without sewing supplies that is a challenge :-) We will get a picture of her in her partial uniform posted tomorrow.

Emily wanted us to post her moving to the Bahamas song - to the tune of 12 days of Christmas.

On the 15th day of moving Bahamas gave to me:

15 Flowers
14 Fishies
13 Big Waves
12 Dead Lizards
11 Crawling Crabs
10 Pretty Conch Shells
9 Widing Stairs
8 Spinning Fans
7 Dolphins Swimming
6 Buses Late
5 Palm Trees
4 Hummingbirds
3 Musketeers
2 Fighting Ows and
A Colonel in a Pantry

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