Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Blue Monday - In every job that must be done there is an element of fun

This was blue Monday – traditionally the most unwelcome day of the year. Well it didn’t start too well with the stock market crashing and a Bahamas storm throttling Nassau. Then there was the water leak, the painting fiasco (the Sistine Chapel was painted quicker than the master bedroom – and took less paint!) and electric uncertainties to deal with. On top of that the matriarch is “still off the island” forcing Mark and Emily to fend for themselves. Well, despite our troubles, with a bit of luck and positive outlook, good things did start to happen – after all it’s a sorry state if you can’t find some kind of fun in this adventure. Our painter finally completed his masterpiece and, despite some mess that Mark will attend to, he did a good job; our plumber showed up again and repaired our leak (hot water shower again – yeah); and Emily had art class after school which she thoroughly enjoyed. And to top off a topsy turvey day, Mark and Emily watched Mary Poppins at night allowing them to drift into mythical London and the Dick Van Dyke’s ridiculous accent.

Blue Monday? Not round here…..….and Lisa comes home tomorrow – phew!

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