Monday, March 10, 2008


Emily dropped a plastic bag in the sea. One of her chores is to pick up the big leaves around the house. She was emptying them over the patio when the wind (who has been partying pretty hard with the sea for the last couple of days - we wish they would get some sleep!) snatched that plastic bag right out of her hand. Little Miss "Being a Polluter is Akin to Armed Robbery" stripped off her t-shirt and jumped in. Did I mention that the sea was angry? While Lisa kept a restraining arm on Mark (who had also been in the sea earlier that day when the wind stole his bucket), Emily swam out about 15 yards, with no fear whatsoever, to collect the plastic bag. I guess those swimming lessons are paying off. Did we mention it was also getting dark?

It is so hard to let your kids discover their strength!


Mommy2Twinkies-Deb said...

Wow! That must have been scary. Was your heart in your throat? She's very brave! Reminds me of when our Emily jumped right into the ocean off a boat when she was 3 1/2!!!

tammi said...

That woulda freaked me out just a little! Albeit I'm seriously chicken of the sea. (haha, just call me "Tuna!") Good for her though. What a little environmentalist!!

Rosie said...

Thank goodness for the swimming lessons. Sounds quite scary really. I'd had probably panicked and completely over-reacted. She's certainly doing her bit to save the planet!