Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Our car speedometer is in Kilometers.
We never know how fast we are going!
Good thing there is no road where you can go more than 35mph!
For more Wordless Wednesday fun visit 5 Minutes for Mom.


The Buntens said...

Oh, how fun that would be!!!

What a beautiful life you are leading. I will be back to check your blog out again.

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

I would be in SO MUCH trouble!

tammi said...

Hey, you'd do just fine on Canadian roads!!! (unless you don't feel like driving in ice and snow....)

It's funny, all the roads in the country are a mile apart, so everyone in the country talks about distances in miles, but speed in kmh! Well, the older generation still talks about speed in terms of mph as well, but we're very two-faced about our metric system! It gets taught in schools, but no one ~ even younger generations ~ talks about how many kilograms they weigh or how many centimeters tall they are.

Sorry, that was a bit of a tangent, wasn't it? I'm trying desperately to avoid working on a school project...

Anonymous said...

Ok Lisa, am completely baffled...what is that you are driving!? It looks very tiny.

It never occurred to me that you would have to have new transportation on the island. Good thing I won't be moving to any tropical paradise in the near future, I'd be living in a box and riding a bicycle!

Mama Smurf said...

We really didn't go all that far out into Nassau when we were there...but if I remember correctly the roads we were on I don't think I necessarily would have WANTED to go much faster than 35! I think I've said this on your post before but NOTHING moves fast in the Bahamas!

Anonymous said...

That would really throw me off, too! LOL!

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

That's so funny, I would never know what the speed was either! It's the same way when I'm in other countries with the weather. I can never translate!