Sunday, June 8, 2008

Could the view be any better?

Yes - when you add a rainbow!

We had a lovely, relaxed dinner with our friends and neighbours, Michael and Cindi last night. Michael grilled some amazing filet mignon and we had baked potatoes and a delicious arugula salad with goat cheese. Emily was in heaven as she always is when it comes to filet mignon. It was a fabulous evening.

The weather around here has been questionable this week. The sun is shining but it has been very, very windy. It poured down with rain last night but we need it (plus we got a rainbow). We have a rain water tank in the house that provides us with water and can be "topped off" by city water when it gets low. We have been praying for rain as we don't want to "top off" at all. Apparently we had some kind of leak in our city water pipes and our first quarterly bill was for $1,300!! Now we are afraid to turn the city water back on. We may need to resort to boiling the ocean or drinking the pool.


Mommy2Twinkies-Deb said...

I'll pray for rain too!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Mike and I were just talking the other how we are in need of a trip to the Bahamas - wait though until Oct for the Florida resident month and take a cruise... that photo makes me want to head off now... take care

tammi said...

Wow, that's one scary water bill!! Thank goodness for rain!

We're completely dependent on rain for water (living out in the middle of nowhere, we've got a well), so there's never any bills to pay ~ which is nice, of course! ~ but the dry spring this year has been a bit of a concern. BUT, it literally rained non-stop from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning ~ 2-1/2 inches ~ so that was much needed. The girls are insanely stir-crazy already though, so I'm quite excited to see the sun this morning!!!

Mama Smurf said...

$1300?????? OMG!!!!!!!!

Love the photo btw!

Mary Beth said...

What a beautiful picture - the water looks so gorgeous! It was so hot here this weekend - is it hot down there also? And does it get humid or is it a dry heat? Never having been to the Bahamas, I don't feel too silly asking these questions:)

PS: don't drink the pool - where will Emily practice for the Olympics?

Anonymous said...

Oh a rainbow! How beautiful they both are!

And let me say, if I ended up with a $1300.00 water bill, I would be drinking the pool!

Manager Mom said...

What a gorgeous rainbow!