Monday, June 23, 2008

New Family Members

We have a pretty diverse household here at Water's Edge. A Scotsman, an English woman, an American girl, a big fat black cat, a skinny fierce tabby cat, quite a few guest lizards, the occasional ant invasion, the resident stingrays... and now we can apparently add sparrows to our household tally. A pair of sparrows have very decidely chosen our patio plam tree as their new home and they are making it very, very clear. Even as I sit here typing I hear them calling to me through the open french doors. "We are here, we are here!" They have been perching on the roof of the bar, swinging in the palm leaves and sitting on the sea wall shouting for about 3 days. Well, OK one of them flies around shouting while the other works extremly hard on building a nest - flying in every few minutes with another branch or piece of useful fluff. Guess which one is the man and which one is the women. We only hope they don't fly low enough for toothless Ow to gum them to death.


Anonymous said...

Nothing like Mother Nature's creatures to make life more interesting. Hopefully the cat will remain disinterested!

Grant Elliott said...

they are very exotic looking sparrows...everything looks better in the Bahamas!

Mama Smurf said...

Man...what a life....

Sting Rays in your ocean, Palm trees in your yard, and open french doors to hear the birds singing.

I'm green...

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Wish I had more birds around my house... a cat at my house sounds very becoming... hehehe... I think they need a little more food out there... hint hint...

tammi said...

Quite the menagerie you've got goin' on there!!! Great photo of the bird! (They don't wake you up before dawn do they? That's the problem with living so far north ~ dawn is around 4:30 am these days and when those dang magpies are squawking right outside the bedroom window, it's almost enough to drive one mad!)