Tuesday, April 1, 2008

And it goes round and round...

Lisa on my own here. Mum and Dad are on a plane just now in the air somewhere over New Jersey. We had a great visit except for Dad not being well. Emily was hoping in a morbid way that he still wouldn't feel well this morning so that they would stay a little longer... maybe I was too :-) Mark is out to dinner with a business acquaintance. Emily is in her room doing her homework. It's awfully quiet. I'm feeling a little sentimental and weepy.

On that note I am stealing from Emily today. I just got a bunch of photos from her Dad that were taken on her Spring Break in the US. This one is of Emily and her friend Madison. Emily's friend Madison just happens to be the daughter of my best friend from childhood, Lou Ann. When I opened up this picture it gave me chills. Lou Ann and I met when we were both 11 years old and we looked very much like these two little girls in this picture. I wish I had a picture of us when we were this age but I lost most of my photos in our house fire as a teenager. Lou Ann is coming to visit at the end of next month - Lou, I know you have a photo of us. Please bring it so I can scan it and post it with this one. Time marches on.


Mommy2Twinkies-Deb said...

Boy, you should open a B&B!!! It's nice to have visitors. I love it. How much fun that the girls get to spend so much time together!

Anonymous said...

I'd likely get weepy about that too!... and then I'd look at the view from the back of my house and all tears would be gone, gone, gone!

I mean no disrespect, nor do I mean to to belittle your sentimental moment, but damn, you all have a beautiful view!!!!!!

I have been thinking about your living in Nassau for like this whole week now. I am soooo jealous and would just love to make a move like that!