Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Owens continued...

One of the nice thing about having visitors is that you see your place anew. All of the recent problems like broken air-conditioning, hot-water heater deaths, concrete cracks and sewage issues (you don't want to know) - disappear with the fun of sharing your home with guests. Here are some photos of us enjoying the company of the Owens.


tammi said...

Looks like a wonderful time ~ and I'm sure your guests couldn't care less about your house's issues. I know I wouldn't. But that's because we live in a land where there's still a fair bit of snow and it's only been the last couple of days where the temperatures have started to stay above freezing overnight!

Hey, you mentioned I should email you about my 'generate a bit of income' goal for this year and now I'm curious. But I don't have your email address. I'd be interested to hear your advice ~ you can email me through the link on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Nothing like sharing time with friends in Paradise (or almost paradise with those issues you mentioned!)Great photos, BTW.

Grant Elliott said...

you all look like you're having a great time! have fun!

TSpats said...

Looks like a heap-o-fun. I am so bringing steak when I come.
and wine, LM, and wine.

Rosie said...

Cute photos, what gorgeous children. Where can I get a pair of those pink sunglasses? They look great! I'm still jealous of your sunshine although we have had a few rays here today.

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Don't worry about the cracks in the wall etc... they are repairable... just have fun

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about looking at your house through others eyes. But, if I was visiting your house, I don't think I would be looking at the house, but the gorgeous island view.

Your photos are fabulous, it is great to see sunshine and blue water to get through the rain of spring.

Mom2Girls said...

Great Pics!!! Looks like you all had a blast!! So wishing we had your weather...

Robin said...

Looks like you're having a ball together.

We've got houseguests this week too. I find it makes me notice what's wrong with the place more, but gives me less time to actually care LOL.

Mama Smurf said...

Love the photos!

You've been tagged for a 7 things about you meme...come visit for the details...if you're so inclined.