Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Time, time, time...

Sometimes time just gets away from you. I think this is longest amount of time we have ever let pass before posting. Not only have we been remiss in posting but we have been remiss in reading our own favorite blogs. So here is a summary of our past week...

The Owens left us at 5:00am on Saturday morning after a raucous Friday night with our neighbours Michael and Cindi and the best joke ever. We can't repeat it because we just couldn't do justice to Michael's delivery - but if you are ever in Nassau remind Michael to tell it to you. We haven't laughed so hard in ages.

Saturday was spent trying to de-spice a spicy curry after inviting fellow Brits to dinner - cooking Indian and then discovering they didn't like spicy food... whoops!

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday - Catch up! Boy does work creep up on you when you aren't on your normal schedule. The good news is we are ready to deploy our new store, the bad news is... we can't yet.

Our big news of the week. Our business partners have to leave us. It will be just Emily Rose and us we are afraid. We are very sorry to lose a great partnership but just like Martin Luther King Jr said - "If you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk crawl - but keep moving forward". So we will keep moving even if we have to crawl for a while. We have crawled before and we shall survive.

Tonight we all (along with our neighbour Cindi) went to audition to be extras in the new Julia Roberts movie that is filming here in Nassau. We were upset to forget cameras but it turned out there wasn't much to take pictures of. No long lines, no bored and dressed up actors, no bossy production assistants. Just two women - one at a desk passing out cards with about 3 questions on it, and one taking digital photos. It took us about 5 minutes and we were done. If only it had been that easy in New York! At least we had time for Bangers and Mash at the Cricket Club.


tammi said...

Sorry to hear about your business partner ~ but I get the distinct impression that you're used to meeting hurdles head-on and sailing right over them.

So did you get to be extras? How exciting!! You'll remember us all when you become famous, right?

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I wanna know for sure if you end up in the movie... that would be fun...

Mama Smurf said...

Oh how fun! Hope you get the "extra" part.

Melissa in Mel's World said...

Sounds like it has been a tad bit hectic this past week...praying that it all falls into place for you!


Come and Visit with Me at Mel's World with Melissa Mashburn! and Mel's World Travel Biz!