Monday, April 7, 2008

Night Swimming

Since Emily discovered we had a light in our pool (not sure why she missed that?) she has been desparate to swim at night. Here is she is taking a dip in the lit pool. Can you spot Ow? He was climbing over in to our neighbour's garden on one of his lizard hunts and we just caught him as he was coming back over the wall. He's looking in to the ocean deciding if he wants to go fishing or not. He may be able to catch the lizards but we are not sure he would have much luck with our friendly neighbour the stingray who has started visiting us nearly every day - he's about 3 times his size!


Anonymous said...

I love swimming at night. As a child I loved the water and any chance I got to swim, especially at night, I took.

tammi said...

I don't know what it is, but I love night swimming, too. I've only had the pleasure of experiencing it in a lit pool on one trip to Mexico, but have often swam (swum?!) in the pitch blackness at the lake in summer! (As a teen, anyway. Now I prefer sleeping, because up here in summer, it only gets pitch black around 11 pm!)

tammi said...

PS. I hope you'll get some good shots of that stingray to post!! Very cool! (don't do anything foolish to get them, though!!)

Mom2Girls said...

Oh what a wonderful picture!! Looks like she is in paradise!!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing nicer than night swimming. I love it too.

Oh, my! A stingray. Yes, best keep the cat in the yard. I'm not sure stingrays get along with cats.

Mama Smurf said...

So I have to ask...with stingrays and such swimming in your yard do you guys go swimming in the ocean?

Mary Beth said...

I love the silhouette of Ow against the night - great picture! Can't wait to see the stingray.

Anonymous said...

I miss swimming at night. It's the only time I'll wear a bathing suit!

Anonymous said...

Oh man! I want to do that. How wonderful. Paradise for sure!